Seven per cent of Peace Region crop combined as of September 8
The September 8 crop report from Alberta Agriculture says seven per cent of the Peace Region crop had been combined by that date. Another 23 per cent was swathed and 70 per cent was still standing.
Harvest completion by crop breaks down to 32.1 per cent for peas, 6.2 for spring wheat, 3.5 for barley, 0.5 per cent for oats and 0.4 for canola.
Yields are at just under 95 per cent of the five-year index and 99 per cent of the 10-year index.
Estimated yields in bushels per acre are 34.2 for canola, 38.6 for dry peas, 41.1 for spring wheat, 50.7 barley and 84.7 for oats.