Alberta RCMP and law enforcement partners launch Operation Cold Start
As the temperatures drop and the snow starts to fall, the Alberta RCMP will once again be partnering with law enforcement partners across the province for Operation Cold Start from Jan. 8 – 12, 2024.
Mounties say Operation Cold Start is designed to work with the public to reduce the theft of idling vehicles during the winter months.
Police say law enforcement agencies will be performing a variety of tasks to help keep vehicles safe. They will be checking on unattended, idling vehicles to see if the keys are in them, and whether or not they are properly secured. Officers will also be participating in educational efforts to teach the public ways to keep their property safe.
“Warming up your vehicle briefly before your commute might seem convenient, but this convenience can turn into a serious problem when your vehicle is stolen. Vehicle-related crimes often occur due to opportunistic situations,” says Cpl. Mike Fulton of the Alberta RCMP’s Community Safety and Well-being Branch. “In 2021, 8.3 per cent of vehicles stolen in Alberta RCMP jurisdiction were left idling. The goal of Operation Cold Start is to reduce crime by educating Albertans on steps they can take to help keep their property safe.”