Pristine alpine lake contaminated by dust from mountaintop coal mines, study shows
New Alberta government research has found windblown dust from mountaintop removal coal mines has polluted a pristine alpine lake to the point where its waters are as contaminated as lakes downwind from the oilsands.
The paper, published last week in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, concludes that it’s crucial to consider more than just downstream effects from such mines.
“It is highly likely that our findings … extend to other mountaintop mining operations with large fugitive dust emissions,” the paper says. “Permitting of existing mines and approval of new mines should consider and have mitigation plans for broader atmospheric impacts.”
The paper, written by two senior scientists in Alberta Environment and Protected Areas, comes as the province’s United Conservative government ponders whether to retain a ministerial order protecting Alberta’s Rocky Mountains from proposed mines that would remove summits to create open pits and expose coal seams.