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New mobile skate park opens in Hillside neighbourhood. Photo Credit: City of Grande Prairie.
New Skate Park

Mobile skate park opens in Hillside neighbourhood

Sep 24, 2021 | 4:02 PM

A new mobile skate park is now open in Grande Prairie for residents to try out their skills.

Stephanie Cajolais, the Sports Development Wellness and Culture Manager for the City of Grande Prairie says the skate park will be located at the Hillside neighborhood rink next to the school.

“The new skate park is similar to a regular skate park with equipment for beginner to intermediate level skateboarding, BMX, scooters, and inline skating,” she said.

“The main difference comes in with the mobile portion. It is exactly what you would imagine in terms of having a concrete skate park it’s just that the features are portable. It is set up in a course right now, but we have the ability to adjust the layout of the equipment, and the size of some of the components based on where it might be utilized.”

Photo: City of Grande Prairie
Photo: City of Grande Prairie
New mobile skate park opens in Hillside neighbourhood. Photo Credit: City of Grande Prairie.

This means that the equipment can be used in outdoor spaces throughout the community on a rotational basis during the summer and moved to indoor facilities during the winter months.

Back in March 2020, council adopted a Skatepark Master Plan with one recommendation being to add localized skate parks, spread across the city.

Cajolais tells EverythingGP, the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), funded roughly 80 per cent of the project, with the city providing the additional 20 per cent of the funding for the project.

“We were able to use that federal funding to help bring this project to reality for the community.”

The City of Grande Prairie received approximately $4.9 million in federal funding through ICIP that supports select, infrastructure projects in the City of Grande Prairie in 2021.