GPREP and province team up to practice for wildfire emergency
If disaster strikes, it’s best to be prepared. So, this week, the Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership and the province are teaming up to practice what to do if there is a wildfire emergency.
“That is part of being prepared,” said Jennifer Wood, Program Coordinator for G-PREP. “And if we don’t think about how we would respond to it, then we are not going to be as successful as we could be if we ever had to respond to (a wildfire emergency.)”
The province does this every year and this year’s scenario is a forest wildfire that moves quickly through rural communities to a large urban centre.
“The province came up with the scenario of a wildfire and absolutely, after Fort McMurray, it’s important for all of us to think about the what-ifs and this is certainly relevant for parts of our region,” she said.