What’s Driving You Crazy?
Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited
What’s driving you crazy this week? Something at home? At work? Something about yourself that is pushing you to the edge this week?
Today here are a few options for dealing with difficult situations.
- You can do nothing and complain about it and let it negatively affect others areas of your life. I don’t recommend this option.
- You can do nothing and accept it. Accept the person, the situation, yourself. You do nothing about the situation, you only change your mindset around the situation. I used the word ‘only’ but this is far from easy – its just sometimes it’s the best, or only, option.
- You can remove yourself from the situation, the drama, the chaos. You can choose to vote with your feet, walk away, cut your losses, say sianara!
Its not a matter of ‘if’ a difficult situation will happen to you, it’s just a matter of ‘when’. Don’t let them take any more from you than they have to.