Parents complain after Ohio school sings cotton picking song
TOLEDO, Ohio — Some parents at an Ohio middle school have said they were shocked to hear an eighth-grade choir sing about picking cotton just days after other students in the district took photos and videos of themselves with a Confederate flag outside the high school.
The Blade reports “Cotton Needs Pickin’” was performed Thursday during a fall concert at Springfield Middle School in Lucas County. Parent Nicole Maulsby, who is Cuban, posted a video of the performance on Facebook. Her husband, Alonzo, who is black, left the auditorium during the song, she said.
Maulsby and online commenters contend that a song about workers happily picking cotton is a racist reference to black slaves toiling in the fields of the South.
Springfield Schools Superintendent Matt Geha said the song came from a book of American folk music, adding that he hadn’t received any calls on Friday but was aware of the complaints circulating on social media.