The city is once again discussing what to do with the old Leisure Centre building
The future of the Leisure Centre was brought up again at a city committee meeting.
Councillor Dylan Bressey says it’s a piece of land that’s sitting empty right now, in the middle of a neighborhood with a lot of young families.
He says the first thing council is going to do is look at the current needs of the facility; if they can use the building or if it should be torn down. From there council will have an opportunity to share their ideas for what they’d like to see done with the space.
“I would absolutely love to see a pool,” explained Bressey. “I don’t know if we can afford a pool right now, especially if we’re not able to bring in regional partners. If a pool isn’t the direction council wants to go, maybe another option is what I’m calling the ‘untraditional leisure-leisure centre.’”