Grande Prairie resident looking for city to ban single-use plastic bags
A local woman would like to see Grande Prairie get rid of single-use plastic bags.
Maurissa Hietland spoke at a City Council meeting Monday night about the amount of shopping bags caught in trees and fences around the Swan City. In order to get rid of the problem, she is hoping the city can create a bylaw.
“The city allocated it to a standing committee and hopefully the committee will move towards creating a single-use bag ban. It is certainly not a new idea and I think it would work well in our community,” said Hietland.
At the meeting, she referenced the Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s bag ban bylaw that was put into effect in 2010. The bylaw, according to their Bring-your-own-bag brochure, says it isn’t meant to ban all products, but rather to encourage the use of containers that can be used multiple times. It also bans the use of paper bags. Hietland wouldn’t want to put that into the rules here, but she would like the city to use it as a template. She thinks the community would be pretty responsive to the proposed change.