Toddler Alfie Evans’ parents say they’ll work with doctors
LONDON — The father of terminally ill toddler Alfie Evans said Thursday that he would work with doctors to give his son “dignity and comfort,” as he called for a truce in a divisive case that has pitted doctors and the British courts against Alfie’s parents, Christian groups and the pope.
Tom Evans, 21, appealed for privacy “for everyone concerned,” saying he would no longer make statements or give interviews about his son’s case.
“Our lives have been turned upside down by the intense focus on Alfie and his situation,” Evans said outside Liverpool’s Alder Hey Hospital, where Alfie has been treated for more than a year.
The 23-month-old boy has an incurable degenerative neurological condition. British doctors say further treatment is futile and he should be allowed to die. His parents, however, have fought for months to take him to a hospital in Italy, where he would be kept on life support.