Wynne says Liberals would expanded Greenbelt if re-elected this spring
TORONTO — Ontario’s governing Liberals are promising to expand a large stretch of protected land around the Toronto region if re-elected next month, a pledge that comes after the province’s Tories backtracked on a promise to allow housing development in the green space.
The future of the Greenbelt — the world’s largest permanently protected green space — has been a political hot potato roughly a week before Ontario’s election campaign gets underway.
Premier Kathleen Wynne vowed Wednesday to extend the Greenbelt into ecologically sensitive areas such as the Orangeville and Oro moraines and the Nottawasaga River corridor, saying the regions have already been put to community consultation.
The exact size of the addition has not yet been determined and the Liberals said that if re-elected on June 7, they will work with municipalities to decide on the final boundaries, which they hope to do by the fall.