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Potential changes coming to costs of Eastlink memberships

Feb 12, 2019 | 1:30 PM

There is a chance memberships at the Eastlink Centre might be coming down in price.

The plan to reduce membership fees was brought before a city committee today and the changes will be a topic of discussion at a future City Council meeting.

Financial Business Advisor Shauna Hanson says the reduction in price would bring the Eastlink Centre more in-line with comparable facilities. Some of the price changes include the annual prepaid family memberships dropping from $1,528.80 to $1,325.50, the adult annual prepaid membership going from $764.40 to $662.75, and the child annual prepaid memberships would drop from $405.60 to $310.25.

“We’re wanting to reduce the Family, Adult and Senior annual, six month, and monthly continuous memberships by 15 percent. The Students annual, six month and monthly by 20 percent, and the Youth and Child by 25 percent,” says Hanson.

Hanson notes that a lot of the facility’s current members have signed up with discounts applied, and not many have paid the full price for their membership. She says about 70 percent of members have used a corporate discount, 20 percent have been able to access the anniversary sale, and 10 percent do not have any discounts.

“The basis was really to make the Eastlink Centre more affordable for all residents. So, for residents that currently can’t get our corporate discount, or aren’t available to get the anniversary sale discount, we really want to provide that pricing for our members.”

Hanson explains members who have already paid full price would see a refund.

“We’ll look at individuals who have purchased a membership in the last few months and paid full price, and what we’ll do is we’ll calculate out compared to what the new price would be, what a refund would be for them. They can either request that refund or we can leave it on their account and they can apply it to their next year membership, or swim registrations, any items that they would like to at the facility.”

If council passes the changes, they are expected to come into effect on April 1.