Tracey Vavrek named District Governor for Rotary District 5370
Tracey Vavrek has just been named the new District Governor on behalf of Rotary District 5370 for the 2019/2020 Rotary year.
Vavrek has over 17 years of experience leading charity work in Grande Prairie, as well as many other northern communities in Alberta. The current District Governor Elect has an additional 13 years of involvement with Rotary International.
When asked what she looks forward to most, Vavrek said, “my intent is to truly help to broaden the understanding of Rotary, to invite others to be part of Rotary and also look at ways that we can provide additional service and support to our local communities and our international communities.”
As of July 1, 2019, Vavrek will succeed current Governor, Ingrid Neitsch.