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MEYER, Wayne (Alberta Liberal Party)

Apr 9, 2019 | 2:23 PM

1. Why should eligible voters cast a ballot for you?

As a seasoned Canadian I am committed to listening, collaborating and embracing “grassroots “decision-making. In politics, top-down decision-making is out of place and out of date. As such… ‘this style’… is… the issue of the day.

Well this is why we have democratic elections. Now is the time to strike a blow for democratic governance. Tinkering with the electoral process will not fix the problem with politics; the problem lies in “what happens after the election,” the traditional mode of government is no longer acceptable in today’s world. That is what needs to be jettisoned and replaced. The most important issue of this election is not policy or ideology but “what style of governance is being offered.”

It needs to be recognized that the Liberal Party has made attempts at reform. We have all seen and experienced the abusiveness inherent in “Old-style” politics. Need I quote the oldest of sayings “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Rather than embracing and advancing political reform …isn’t it true… that” Jason Kenny and the NDP” have beaten and buried the vision of what it is that makes “Alberta great.”

I am speaking to you because it is clear from both past and recent history that, “Jason Kenny is an authoritarian through and through.” He has demonstrated in his actions and his method of operation that he is the harbinger of Authoritarianism; the antithesis of what is right …and “near and dear” to Albertans.

The Reform Party and the Wildrose Parties were on the right path with their “grassroots” stance. On this ‘cutting-edge’ issue they were ahead of their time. However, for various reasons their efforts came up short and the lessons that could have been learned have been relegated to silence.

The good news is, “the torch has not fallen.” To the contrary, the message has been grasped and elevated. David Kahn embraced those “democratic principles of governance” that were being championed by them and… EXPANDED… upon those principles.

We believe that those “ARE” the proper principles of governance for Albertans. “Perhaps you, I and others should work together with the Liberal party” to paint a clear picture of what “involved decision-making” would look like in practice.

A welcomed and enduring victory for this cause can still be secured. In Mr. Kenny’s quest for power, he has tried to smear even positive political reforms …and turn it to his ends. For the first time in a long time, ‘The Liberal party of Alberta’ has come forth, and now it’s time for us to take stock of the situation and stay true to the motto of “governance of the people by the people.”

The ‘assault tactics’ and adversarial approach employed by the hierarchical heads of the UPC and NDP …can be raised and made an important and perhaps decisive issue of this election. In so doing you will not be advocating for a better version of democracy. The heart of a Liberal in modern day democracy is respectful listening, empathy, and accommodation. Where this style of governance prevails… unity is unforced. It will always arise when it is earned.

Politicians will continue to practice the politics of power if voters continue to reward them for it. The only way political reform that you and I desire will be.. attained.. is if these practitioners are rejected at the ballot box. Lasting change is within your grasp. You and I,.. more than most, have the understanding ……the passion, and the numbers to bring moral stature back to political system …..and put an end to “strong-arm” politics in Alberta.

I cannot say I know how you and likeminded others might best move forward. That depends on your values, your judgment and your situation. There are many ways to take effective action. However, now is the right and proper time to act. In closing I’m asking you for your vote so that we can work together and for a better future.

2. If elected, what is the first thing you would want to accomplish?

If elected, what is the first thing you would want to accomplish? First thing I would like to is to join Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and repeal the carbon tax. This is hurting families, our economy and business in Alberta. The NDP government knew that Albertans we’re not in favour of this tax and chose to ignore us. And then add to this that that this carbon tax will have absolutely no effect on carbon emissions. At this point in Alberta making sure that oil will be able to reach tidewater would and should have been their focus. Albertans need good jobs not more taxes.