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One of the works being sold in an art auction in support of the Grande Prairie Injured Jockey Foundation.
Evergreen Park

Foundation to help injured jockeys being formed

Jul 17, 2019 | 5:30 AM

A group devoted to helping jockeys hurt on the job is being formed and is already holding its first fund-raiser.

Money raised from an art auction being held during the horse races at Evergreen Park will go towards the soon-to-be formed Grande Prairie Injured Jockeys Foundation.

Spokesperson Holly Crichton says people wanted to help because of the hazards jockeys face.

“We all know that riding race horses ia a very risky business and that jockeys really don’t make very much money here so that if they do get injured, every little bit helps.”

She adds some years, this would not be needed, but in other years, two or three people can get hurt.

“Say somebody even breaks an arm, well he’s out for probably the summer, right, and it’s pretty hard to make a living. It doesn’t have to be a catastrophic injury, it could be something fairly small.”

Crichton says she remembers how important the help was she received after an on-track injury ended her career as a jockey and left her in a wheelchair.

“When I was injured, the support I got was so meaningful to me in every way that I know other jockeys must feel the same way when people step up to help (however) they can.”

The Foundation’s first-ever fund raiser is an art auction. Fifteen paintings, all but one done by an artist from the Peace, are part of a silent auction. Bids are taken inside Gordon Badger during the races.

Crichton says the idea started as an idea to have an art show and grew from here. She adds the only artist on display that is not from around here is an ex-jockey from Edmonton.

The picture above the pictures below show some of the works on offer.