Temporary Tent City dismantled with everyone having a warm place to go
Tent city has been packed up and its residents have somewhere to go.
The city’s Community Housing and Homelessness Supervisor, Katherine Schmidt says during the daytime there is a drop-in program with the Saint Lawrence Centre (open 7 days/week 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and at night there are beds at Rotary House.
She says ‘tent city’ was just a temporary thing and as the September 30 deadline grew closer people started looking at what other options they had. Various things happened over the past month; some people moved into housing, some moved into the emergency shelter for supports there and others connected with family and friends.
“There were a few people that had family supports elsewhere that actually decided to get on buses and leave Grande Prairie. One person was working with the mobile addictions worker to go into a treatment program. We also have our Parkside project that has a couple of spots available,” she explained.