Mayor Given says cuts to municipal funding “not a surprise”
Big cuts seemed to be the theme of the 2020 Provincial Budget, and Grande Prairie’s Mayor is not surprised to see some of the city’s funding getting the axe.
Funding for Municipal infrastructure was slashed, and Mayor Bill Given says that means in order to maintain work on current projects, like sidewalk and road rehabilitation, the money may have to come from somewhere else.
“That could be from property taxes, or it could mean that City Council just plans on doing less capital work over the coming years. That’s the type of discussion that we’ll be having in November.”
Going into 2020 with the knowledge of the impact the Provincial Budget will have on the city, there may be an increase to property taxes. However, Given says the city will possibly look reducing the level of infrastructure work, or try to find other means to fund the projects, so that residents don’t have to face a higher tax rate.