Survivor Day event offers support and connection to survivors of suicide
The Suicide Prevention Resource Centre (SPRC) is holding an event on the weekend, for survivors of suicide.
Survivor is the term given to someone who lost someone close to suicide. Survivors often end up suffering through grief and mourning from their loss, and the SPRC is holding the Survivor Day event to help them through their mourning, and connect with others going though similar struggles.
At the event, a documentary entitled Pathways to Healing: Hope after Suicide Loss will be aired, which tells a story of a young man who took his own life, and the impact it had on his family and friends. Program Coordinator with SPRC, Faris Atkinson, says the film looks at how people grieve and how they all mourn in different ways.
“We express those feelings of grief very differently. And so they’re going to show that, and how they interact with that. And how it goes from confusion to denial, there’s isolation, there’s finding support. It goes through a whole myriad, a progression, of what they went through. And when we hear these kinds of stories, it really helps us in our own journey.”