New water tenders to serve County of Grande Prairie
The County Regional Fire Service has three new water tenders, to help with firefighting efforts across the region.
Water tenders are specially designed firefighting vehicles, that transport large amounts of water from a source to the scene of a fire. The new tenders can pump water more rapidly than the previous models, and can also pull water into their tanks from various sources, including hydrants, standpipes and dugouts.
“Investing in public safety continues to be a priority for Council,” says Reeve Leanne Beaupre in a statement. “Maintaining a well-trained and equipped Regional Fire Service is an essential step in protecting the lives of our residents and property across the County.”
“With Council’s support, our Regional Fire Service continues to enhance safety in our communities across a significant area,” says Fire Chief Dan Verdun. “Strategic investments in high-quality equipment and training allow all our members to provide a high level of service when responding to calls.”