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COVID-19 Closure

Army, Navy & Airforce Veterans community centre closes to avoid COVID-19 outbreak

Mar 16, 2020 | 12:12 PM

The Hillside Community Centre, which houses the Army, Navy and Airforce Veterans in Canada (AVANETS) Unit 389 is closing until further notice, to avoid the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak infecting its members.

Unit 389 Manager, Noreen Deane, says they are following suit with other places that have recently closed.

“We didn’t feel a real sense of urgency, until we heard Premier Kenney’s broadcast yesterday, when he closed the schools and the day cares and whatnot.”

The local members of Unit 389 only amount to about 75 veterans, which is well below the 250 needed to guarantee a closure.

AVANETS are organized under a three-tier system, with a Dominion Command located in Ottawa, and a Provincial Command in Edmonton. Deane says the Commands have left it up to individual Units to decide how to proceed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Because of our members and their ages, you know they’re all seniors and they are at high risk. So we just thought it would be best for everyone (to close).”

She says the members are also following guidelines and preventative measures the government has recommended to reduce the risk of contracting the virus, by practicing social distancing and good hygiene.

Deane adds that is unfortunate to close the Community Centre, as there are many other groups who use the facility.

“We have the Dart League Monday and Tuesday nights, we have the Fencing Club, the Armwrestles Northern Twistmasters come in, we have the pipe band that comes in every week to practice. And we have, also, the Bromley Dart Shoot, which was to happen this Saturday the 21st, and that will also have to be postponed.”

She says postponing events and temporarily close the Community Centre is a shame, but they want to make sure that steps are taken to reduce any risk of spreading the virus.

There haven’t been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Grande Prairie area yet, but Deane says it’s best to take preventative measures.

Deane says while the community centre will remain closed until further notice, she will still be in the office, and available by phone for any veterans in need of assistance.