Premier Kenney salutes truckers while calling on public to offer support
Premier Jason Kenney took time during Wednesday’s COVID-19 press conference to thank and salute truck drivers, while at the same time calling on businesses and individuals to make life easier by helping drivers access food and washrooms while on the road.
Kenney made the call as he sees several issues facing drivers, as many places like restaurants, hotels and rest stops have had to shut down or close their doors to the public under newly introduced public health mandates.
Of particular note for Kenney was the challenges truck drivers have faced in accessing washroom facilities. What made that challenge more daunting for drivers was the need for Alberta Transportation to close all provincially operated washrooms at rest stops across Alberta earlier in March, because people were stealing sanitary items such as toilet paper and soap from those facilities.
“Early on in the pandemic, we saw people going in multiple times a day, raiding the sanitary supplies in those washrooms.”