Reassurances emerge after second oilsands mine work camp outbreak
CALGARY – Observers say the second outbreak of COVID-19 at an oilsands mine work camp in northern Alberta is concerning but the industry is dealing with the risk in an appropriate way.
Oilsands analyst Phil Skolnick of Eight Capital says the example set by Imperial Oil Ltd. in continuing production while taking measures to deal with an outbreak that began last month at its Kearl oilsands mine is reassuring for investors.
He adds that oilsands producers throughout the industry are slowing work and reducing staffing levels to reduce the risk of transmission, decisions that have the added benefit of reducing production at a time when oil prices are at low ebb because demand has fallen during the pandemic.
On Wednesday, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health Deena Henshaw reported there had been an outbreak of five COVID-19 cases at the Horizon mine camp operated by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. At Kearl, the number has climbed to 107.