Support being sought for enhanced security at the Veterans Memorial Gardens
After suffering a number of thefts of building materials, compounded with acts of vandalism and drug paraphernalia being left behind, the Canadian Motorcycle Tourism Association is seeking support to enhance security at the Veterans Memorial Gardens and Interpretive Centre.
CMTA is the not-for-profit organization that established the Memorial Gardens, and on Monday, Renee Charbonneau, Executive Director of the CMTA and Project Lead on the Memorial Gardens, went to City Council to ask for support in improving security.
She says there has been a recent string of thefts from the Gardens.
“For example, we had a load of OSB (plywood) delivered and donated by Norbord. We had it all banded and somebody [came] along and cut the banding and took the top eight sheets. So, then we put the skid steer in front of it and the bucket and everything to try to prevent [more thefts], but then somebody tried to remove the door right off the skid steer,” says Charbonneau.