GPIA Academy program to help newcomers, immigrants prepare for life in Canada
The Grande Prairie Intercultural Association (GPIA) is planning to launch a new program to help educate immigrants and newcomers on a range of topics to help them thrive in Grande Prairie and in Canada.
The new GPIA Academy (The Academy) program will help newcomers learn more about the country, as well as what resources are available and how they can be accessed.
The Academy will host several virtual information sessions, and GPIA’s Program Coordinator and Secretary, Maureen Edomwonyi, says those sessions will cover a wide range of topics.
“Some of the topics we will be looking at law in Canada; the Canadian school system; the Indigenous Peoples of Canada; the political system; mental health amongst immigrants and newcomers to Canada; experiences in Canada; and cross-cultural parenting in Canada,” says Edomwonyi.