Daylight saving time: Yay, or nay?
With the federal election now behind us, we can turn our attention to the Oct. 18 municipal election. You’ll also have the opportunity to vote for a Senate nominee, as well as answer two referendum questions, both of which are included on the ballot.
The first question has to do with equalization payments, while the second one is a lot more straight forward: Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?
According to National Geographic, DST was first officially enacted by Germany during WWl as a way to embrace the daylight and conserve electricity. They also say contrary to popular belief, DST wasn’t lobbied for by farmers, who base their harvest and seeding times more on moisture levels and sun cycles instead of what time it is.
Agriculture Service Manager for Red Deer County, Cody McIntosh, says with advances in technology such as GPS and LED lights, it’s no longer necessary for certain businesses to rely on the light of the sun to get work done.