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Chamber Awards

Nominations now open for Grande Prairie and District Chamber of Commerce Awards of Distinction

Jun 29, 2022 | 12:48 PM

Eight categories are now accepting nominations for the 2022 Grande Prairie and District Chamber Awards of Distinction.

The award nomination process goes through many steps. First with the nomination period, then the Chamber contacts those nominated to fill out a questionnaire to collect, then a panel of judges made up of volunteers picks the recipient for each category.

Anyone can nominate a business, whether it’s self-nomination or wanting to give one of your choice well-deserved recognition.

The categories are:

  • Greatest Impact Award of Distinction
  • Young Entrepreneur Award of Distinction
  • Diversity and Inclusion Award of Distinction
  • Legacy Business Award of Distinction
  • Indigenous Business Award of Distinction
  • Marketing Award of Distinction
  • Emerging Business Award of Distinction
  • Leading Edge Award of Distinction

Tanya Oliver, CAO of the Chamber says small businesses are the backbone of our community.

“So often these businesses do great things, day-in and day-out, busy doing what they do. They don’t do it for the recognition or praise, they just do what they do to make our community a great place, so having these awards gives us an opportunity to recognize a few of the great businesses we have.”

“Our businesses are diverse and their achievements are diverse, so we are trying to give a platform for everybody to fit in where they can shine the best,” she noted about the array of categories.

“These awards are to celebrate Small Business Week and all businesses are eligible, for our future and existing members (of the Chamber).”

The nomination period is open until August 31, 2022 and the Awards of Distinction will be handed out during Small Business Week on October 20, 2022.