‘Freedom Convoy’ organizers discussed playing ‘race card’ with Métis heritage
OTTAWA — Organizers of the “Freedom Convoy” discussed using their ties to Métis identity to play the “race card” as part of an overall strategy to control their public image and garner sympathy for their cause, text messages suggest.
The messages between Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, obtained by Ottawa police and entered as evidence by the Crown in Lich’s bail hearing this week, indicate how acutely aware the organizers were of the optics of the protest.
The convoy’s connection to Pat King, who has spread racist conspiracy theories, as well as the appearance of Nazi and Confederate flags in the early days of the protest, prompted accusations that it was sympathetic to white nationalist causes.
While planning the convoy, Lich and Barber appeared aware that racial identity could be raised in criticisms of it. Lich has described herself as Métis, and on Jan. 20, about a week before demonstrators arrived in Ottawa, Barber texted Lich that his wife was Métis as well.