Dead birds near South Saskatchewan River suspected to be victims of avian flu
MEDICINE HAT, AB – An outbreak of avian flu that came to our province in April has picked up once again and Alberta Fish & Wildlife officials believe it has reached our city.
Hatters began spotting dead and sick-looking Canada geese and mallard ducks along and near the South Saskatchewan River last week and reporting them to the province’s environment and parks office in Medicine Hat.
“We suspect that this might be again another reflection of the avian influenza outbreak,” says provincial wildlife disease specialist Margo Pybus. “The birds are concentrated on open water areas and you know they’re a little stressed because they’re trying to over-winter here and that’s probably triggered the virus to start to be a little more virluent or have its effect and killing the geese and the mallards.”
Pybus says her office has initiated collection protocols for the birds and getting them to the lab for testing to confirm whether initial suspicions are correct. She adds a similar situation has developed in Lethbridge along the Oldman River.