Dairy Innovation West (milk) shakes up western market
Currently undergoing construction, Dairy Innovation West (DIW), a milk processing facility, is poised to make groundbreaking impacts to the transportation and environmental footprint of the dairy industry in western Canada.
Typically, raw milk is transported from Alberta dairies, to processing facilities as far as Abbotsford, B.C., before then being shipped to producers who turn it into cheese, butter, yogurt, and other products.
At DIW, “When raw milk comes in it will either use reverse osmosis or ultra filtration to do a couple things: remove water or concentrate the proteins, or whatever the nutrients are in the milk. After that it’s delivered to its intended processor,” explains Henry Holtman, chair of DIW, at a formal update of the project on May 28.
With this approach, four or five trucks of raw milk will become one truck of processed milk before being shipped to producers, a reduction that Holtman expects will save producers $15 million in transportation costs while also significantly reducing their emission rates.