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Valedictorian Melborne Baiting. Photo by Randy Vanderveen/supplied by NWP>

More than 200 students in Class of 2024 at NWP

Jun 15, 2024 | 6:00 AM

Northwestern Polytechnic says there were more than 200 graduates in the Class of 2024 at the Grande Prairie campus.

Convocation took place June 13 and 14.

Business Administration Diploma student Melborne Baiting was named the recipient of the Paul J. Evaskevich Valedictorian Award. NWP says in a release that Baiting came here from the Philippines. He earned the highest grade-point average amongst all graduates.

“I take great pride in representing the class of 2024 and our achievements. Success, as I learned, relies heavily on well-defined goals and mental well-being. As the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail,” says Baiting in that same release.

Baiting will now pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

Nursing student Nkeiruka Odoh received the Beth Sheehan Salutatorian Award.

NWP says she was an “extraordinary Bachelor of Science in Nursing student.”

The school says “Odoh moved from Nigeria in 2019, initiated her studies soon after, and managed her education during the COVID-19 pandemic, all while being a new mother.”

Both she and her husband, also a nursing student, would wake up and study from 1:00 to 4:00 am before catching a few more hours of sleep.

“This award shows that with determination and persistence, I can achieve anything I set my mind to,” says Odoh in that same release.

Salutatorian Nkeiruka Odoh. Photo credit: Northwestern Polytechnic/Facebook.