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Alberta teacher's Association

Jasper student & staff donation initiative

Aug 19, 2024 | 2:02 PM

An initiative to help Jasper students and staff has been started by Evergreen Local 11 president Jessie Smeall.

An Amazon wishlist has been set up, providing a list of items needed for the academic year, which people can purchase for the schools as a donation.

According to the Alberta Teacher’s Association, this was started after Smeall heard from Jasper’s teachers who needed help gathering supplies, so she started a wishlist to ensure “they headed into the new school year feeling prepared.”

The wishlist covers all things needed to learn in this generation; from scissors, lined paper, and whiteboard markers to techs such as laptops, headphones and calculators.

Anyone wanting to check out the wishlist can click here.

At this time, half of the items on the list have been purchased.

The Alberta Government also provided an update on Jasper’s recovery efforts today.

In that update, visitors and tourists were asked to avoid the town for the foreseeable future.