Alberta RCMP refuting comments made by Premier Smith
Alberta RCMP have issued what they refer to as “corrections to comments made by Premier Danielle Smith” at the Alberta Municipalities Convention, held in Red Deer yesterday. (Thursday, September 26)
According to RCMP, the premier made “some remarks about the Alberta RCMP and it’s current state that are inaccurate.”
Despite continuous communications with our provincial partners, the current strength of Alberta RCMP officers is regularly miscommunicated, as is our current vacancy rate in Provincial Policing (this excludes municipal policing contracts which are contracts in place with municipalities for their policing services).
In the interest of clarity, the Alberta RCMP has a total of 1,772 police officer positions within the provincial policing contract. Our current vacancy rate within provincial policing is 17.3% or 306 positions. Of those positions, 124 are currently unfilled. The other 182 are officers who are not currently at work for a variety of reasons, including illness, maternity-related leave, and other special leave. These are statistics that are shared with our provincial partners every month.