Fair Deal Panel hears suggestions from Grande Prairie residents
Close to 200 people filled up the Teresa Sargent Hall at the Montrose Cultural Centre on Wednesday, December 18, to make suggestions to the Fair Deal Panel.
The panel of nine members, who were all appointed by the provincial government, are gathering public input, in order to explore ideas that give Alberta a bigger voice within the federation.
Specific areas being explored include:
- Establishing a provincial revenue agency to collect provincial taxes directly by ending the Canada-Alberta Tax Collection Agreement, while joining Quebec in seeking an agreement to collect federal taxes within the province.
- Creating an Alberta Pension Plan by withdrawing from the Canada Pension Plan.
- Establishing a provincial police force by ending the Alberta Police Service Agreement with the Government of Canada.
- Emulating Quebec’s practice of playing a larger role in international relations, in part by seeking Alberta representation in treaty negotiations that effect Alberta’s interests.
- Emulating Quebec’s legal requirement that public bodies, including municipalities and school boards, obtain the approval of the provincial government before they can enter into agreements with the federal government.
- Using the existing provincial power to appoint the Chief Firearms Office for Alberta.
- Opting out of federal cost share programs with full compensation, such as the federal government’s proposed pharmacare program.
- Seeking an exchange of tax points for federal cash transfers under the Canada Health and Social Transfers.
- Establishing a formalized provincial constitution.