Snowmobilers reminded to stay off farm land
The County of Grande Prairie is reminding snowmobilers once again to stay off farm land, as crops under the snow can be seriously damaged by the machines.
Close to 30 per cent of the crops in the county were left unharvested this winter, after the County declared an agricultural disaster. Crops also remain under the snow in the MD of Greenview and Saddle Hills County, where agricultural disasters were also declared early in the winter.
The crop is sitting mostly undisturbed under the snow, but the County’s Agricultural Fieldman, Sonja Raven, says that can change if a snowmobile runs over it.
“The biggest thing is, particularly with canola or anything still in a shell, for lack of a better term, any disturbance that comes over that can damage that, and then the seeds fall out and they land on the ground. And as soon as they’re on the ground, you’re not going to harvest them.”