County to help fund trout stocks at Sportsplex Pond
The County of Grande Prairie has agreed to form a Corporate Partnership with the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA), and provide funding to stock the Sportsplex Pond with trout.
Since 2018, the ACA has stocked the pond with 2,000, catchable-sized (20 cm) rainbow trout each year. Scott Seward, a Fisheries Biologist with the ACA, says the fish cost about $2.64 each, and stocking the pond costs over $5,000 a year.
“We buy our fish from the Government of Alberta and some private growers. So, every spring we have a contract with a number of companies and they have ponds that they’ll go out to and stock fish into. They show up with the stocking truck and check the water quality to make sure that the water quality in the fish tanks matches what’s in the pond, and then they’ll stock out the fish into those ponds.”
At Monday’s meeting, County Council voted in favour of becoming a Corporate Partner in the ACA’s Conservation Program, and will be providing $2,500 a year to stock the pond. That partnership will last five years, with the County contributing the agreed upon amount each year, starting in 2021. The County’s portion for stocking the pond will come from the Parks and Recreation budget.