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Wembley Town Office (Everything GP File Photo)
Veteran Banner Project

Town of Wembley looking to honour local veterans with banners

Aug 4, 2021 | 12:29 PM

The Town of Wembley is gearing up to honour local veterans by displaying banners throughout the streets.

In preparation for the Remembrance Day banner project, families can start ordering a banner that will feature their veteran relatives to hang throughout the community.

Town of Wembley FCSS Director Pam Decker says the banners will be hung on designated streetlights, specifically in the downtown core and beyond.

“It just depends on how many banners we have but, we would like to place them where they will have the most impact in our community.”

Decker says the banners will include a picture of the veteran, their name, and their service details. She says the banners are roughly two feet by four feet.

“They will have, I believe, quite a big impact, and people will be able to really admire the people that have served our country,” she said.

“What we’re hoping is to connect with these veteran families from Wembley and even beyond.”

Decker says the town is implementing the program for at least five years. She says over the next five years, the banners will be displayed for two to three weeks starting at the end of October. She says after Remembrance Day, they will be taken down until the following year.

“And then store the banners appropriately so that they have a long lifespan… We’re hoping the program is extended, and that the banners will have a long life span.”

The banners are roughly two feet by four feet, and Decker hopes that the program will gain momentum as residents see the banners displayed.

She hopes the program will continue after the five-year pilot.

“At that time, we’re going to assess the quality of the banner just to make sure it can continue and just also to make sure people are still interested in the program.”

Decker says anyone wanting to display a banner of their loved one can order one by contacting Banners cost $250 and the order deadline is August 31, 2021.

“Once they’ve made initial contact with us, we will (connect) with them to make sure we get all of the information that we need from the families.”

The Hamlet of Hythe and the Town of Sexsmith are also doing similar Remembrance Day banner projects.