Piggott, Naomi
Posted Oct 22, 2020 | 2:39 PM
Leaving a legacy of loving hearts and happy memories, Naomi Kathleen Piggott (nee Ireson), passed away Saturday, October 10, 2020, in Grande Prairie, AB, after a long, satisfying life, at the age of 97 years.
Naomi was born June 24, 1923, into a happy household, as the youngest child of Jean Cameron and Cyril Ireson. Beginning life in Elfros, SK, the family soon moved to Wynyard, SK, where she remembers happily tap dancing, reciting, and cartwheeling her way down the sidewalk. The first of many treasured and lifelong friendships began in Wynyard, where she became nicknamed by a neighbour, ‘Little friend to all the world.’
Naomi graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a BA and then earned a post-graduate diploma in Social Work from the University of Manitoba. She married Arthur Piggott in August of 1949, and together they raised seven children, with lots of love and hard work.
Naomi enjoyed doing arts and crafts and loved to sew and knit. She was proud of her vegetable garden that helped to nourish her young family. She spent many hours in her kitchen, and we all happily anticipated the baking of her apple pies in the fall, her delicious brown bread, buckets of cookies, and her Christmas Vinarterta. She loved flowers and spent many years pressing them and making fun and beautiful cards and pictures. Naomi played trumpet in the MaPa band and especially loved to sing barbershop harmony, and travel with her treasured group of Sweet Adeline girls.
Naomi was a light-hearted soul who laughed often and enjoyed a good joke, especially when it was on her. Her friends appreciated her easy acceptance and enjoyed the spontaneous fun that erupted at occasional inopportune moments! She helped sustain us all during difficult times with her sensitivity and willingness to listen, while often reminding us that, “This, too, shall pass.” She was the kind of mom whose face lit up when she saw her children.
Naomi loved her family, she loved her friends, and she adored her grandchildren. She was our rock. Thank you, Mom. We SO love you back!
Our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Noga and the kind staff at the Grande Prairie Care Centre for their many years of warm, caring support.
Naomi is survived by her seven children: John, Ben, Stephen, Bill, Rene, Amy, and Sarah; and their much-loved partners; as well as numerous and amazing grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Naomi was predeceased by her husband Arthur Piggott; sister Margaret Ackerley; and brother Bill Ireson.
Due to rising COVID-19 numbers, there will be no service at this time. The family requests, instead, that you take as many opportunities as you can to follow mom’s example and share some joy and laughter with those who touch your lives.
Condolences may be sent by visiting
- Date : 2020-10-10
- Location : Grande Prairie, Alberta