GPRC to cut 85 positions, suspend two programs in 2020-21 budget
Grande Prairie Regional College (GPRC) has finalized its 2020-21 budget, addressing a 13 per cent reduction in its Campus Alberta Grant, as well as costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In a release issued Wednesday, GPRC officials say they have reduced their 2020-21 budgeted expenditures to $65 million, from the previous 2019-20 budgeted expenditures of $73 million.
“I think it necessitated some very difficult decisions through the budget and making sure we have a resilient and sustainable institution in the future,” said President and CEO of the GPRC, Dr. Robert Murray. “And also, that we were able to strategically invest in the areas that we felt were important to the colleges future.”
A total of 85 positions have been eliminated as a result of the new budget, 39 of which were retirements, voluntary severance, concluding contracts with term-certain employees, or eliminated vacant positions. The other 46 positions cut were the result of adjustments to their programs, services and them finding efficiencies.